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Record a Meeting

MelpApp allows you to record your meetings so you can revisit the conversation and share with others. The recording captures audio, video, and any presentations shared during the meeting.

Here's how to record a meeting:

  • While in a meeting, click on the More Options (three dots) located in the bottom bar.


  • Select Start Recording.


  • Toggle the button ON and click on START RECORDING.


  • Select This Tab and click on Share to begin recording your meeting.

  • You and your participants will see a red icon at the top right of your window when the recording is in progress.


Recording your meetings is a helpful tool to refer to important details and allows those who couldn't attend the meeting to catch up on what they missed.

NOTE: Please make sure you stop the recording before existing the conference in order to save it. The recording is currently limited to 1 GB, which is around 1 hour 30 minutes. Please stop the recording before that otherwise the recording will not be saved.